Monica SHEETEKELA – Namibia

Monica Sheetekela, Namibia, Writer

 Monica Veneteve Sheetekela was born in 1962 in Enyana, a village in Northern Namibia. During the war in 1976, her family went with to one of the refugees Namibian settlements in Angola. She came back home to Namibia in 1989. Monica V. Sheetekela worked as a teacher and has been encouraged to write poems during the ’Integrated Teacher Training Programme’. His first poem was published in the ITTP magazine in 1991.




If you get there before I do...

[published in RN 04 in March 1992, unpublished original text in English]


If you get there before I do

Please tell all my friends

That I am coming too.


I am a seed

planted in the dry season

you know my reason

you are my witness.


I am a seed

planted in the dry season

in bitter conditions

But the fence was built

and the land watered

By every nationalist

And the seed grew.


I am a seed

planted in the dry season

you know the reason

you have seen all over

on every hand

death of the land

But if bodies are dead

Hearts are still alive

to explain my history.


Remember me

In our free land

spirit together

In the beauty, glad.


Who am I ? What is my name ?

Answer my questions !

Don’t forget me !


Monica Sheetekela

