I Have Forgotten The Night ………… Joël Andrianomearisoa

Joël Andrianomearisoa, "I Have FORGOTTEN The NIGHT" -Venice Biennale Venise 2019


an installation by Joël Andrianomearisoa

Madagascar Pavilion – 58e Venice Biennale 2019


Curators Rina Ralay-Ranaivo & Emmanuel Daydé

Sound creation Lalao Rabeson & Joël Andrianomearisoa

Production Kantoko & Revue Noire associations



“And we have more beautiful nights than your days”

Jean Racine


Giving material expression to a journey translated from the night and viewed through the prism of torn papers of love and death, Joël Andrianomearisoa deploys the intangible essence of the invisible, turning around a world of otherness as an iron sun fades into the azure of night ; as dark light no longer ushers in the day. 


In love “with the different grounds of three contrasting orchards: cold Europe, India with its pink and blue skies and Africa, a clear, deep spring” (Jean Joseph Rabearivelo), Andrianomearisoa endlessly unites their fundamental, component opposites to create elegant, abstract, melancholic forms woven from natural materials devoured by shadow and light.


Child of the nights of “Iarivo the dead” (Antananarivo) and « un año de amor » on the streets of Madrid, a lone dreaming nomad straying from the bars and restaurants of Paris to the sleeping shores of the Bosphorus or the infinite horizons of Cotonou, the artist without frontiers brings a boundless nostalgia to the modernity of the square, breathing the sentimentality of material things.


Charged with creating the Venice Biennale’s first Madagascar pavilion, Joël Andrianomearisoa does not pay tribute to a country, but to the majesty of beyond black and its mournful wanderings – folding, unfolding, revealing outlines, singing and laughing as melancholy comes. « The geometry of the angle is a point of no return that embraces the present », he assures us.


Thinking of his distant land, the artist deconstructs the Palace of Ilafy, the first royal residence on the twelfth sacred hill of Imerina, separating the heavy planks of black rosewood to build them into twelve organic canopies that tumble in a dark cascade of bags, ropes and ashes. From the lost memory of that royal hut springs a tomb for half a million soldiers at Ecbatana, an allegorical Platonic cave, a labyrinth of passions, a theatre of affections… Gutted blades falling from the sky in waves of soot and rain throw up the wan, grey mists of the dying Creuse or the notched, gullied walls of Tritriva’s lovers’ lake. Turning the world above to the world below.


Rina Ralay-Ranaivo and Emmanuel Daydé, Madagascar Pavilion curators





published by Revue Noire resulting Madagascar Pavillon,

présents his work for the Venice Biennale, including a large monographic of 170 works [see HERE]



The 58e Venice Biennale – 11 May – 24 November 2019

www.Venice Biennale




Madagascar Pavilion in Arsenale






[run the slideshow below]


  • Joël Andrianomearisoa, "I Have FORGOTTEN The NIGHT" -Venice Biennale Venise 2019