born in 1963 in France
works mainly about Caribbean and Africa
David Damoison, born in 1963 of a Martinican father and a French mother, lives and works in Paris.
After photographic classes at the École Boulle in Paris, he became assistant in the workshops of the Paris American Center. In turn working with Jean Larivière and studio Pin-Up Paris, he learned to print in black and white.
[run the slideshow below]
His works have been published by Revue Noire, Liberation, Événement du Jeudi, Le Nouvel Observateur Télérama. From Cuba to Haiti, tsanto Dominicana to Guadeloupe or Martinique, Congo, Mali, he made a series of photos that were the subject of various exhibitions and publications. His images ask Creoles and African identities through the covered territories. He has collaborated with writers like Raphaël Confident for ’Les Maîtres de la parole créole’ (Editions Gallimard).
David Damoison just sees. This is the spontaneous interpretation of any lucid mind in contact with his work. His images are often fragments of the human condition in its most universal aspects. But beyond that, a keen awareness of otherness and its disparities is affirmed with force and subtlety. This results in a preference for the most fragile.
Thus, his photographs bear the desire to correct some representation deficits, never embarrass this manichaeism that seems inherent in this exercise. Show Caribbean, Africa and its diaspora outside any aesthetic and any questionable misery is a feat.
In a world where image is omnipresent, resist influences of clichés is particularly rare. This unique intelligence is supported by the photographer by a look that, beyond the lens, retains the generosity to shot human in its permanent fragility.
by Latyr Diouf (for Anne de Villepoix gallery, Paris)
SOLO Exhibitions
Musée de la Halle Saint-Pierre. Paris. 1993.
'Les Anneaux de la Mémoire'. Nantes. 1994.
'On Mobility'. Lot Project Wien. Vienne. Autriche. 1994.
'Les Maîtres de la Parole créole'. Fond Saint-Jacques. Martinique 1995 et Habitation Clément. Martinique 1996.
'Anderswo III'. Fotogalerie Wien. Autriche. 1996.
'Vodun Voyage'. L’Athanor, Scène nationale. Albi. 1998 et Festival du Marin. Martinique. 2000.
'Paris Caraïbe, le Voyage des Sens'. Festival Terre d’Images. Biarritz. 2000.
'Le Galion'. Le Havre. 2000 et Fond Saint-Jacques. Martinique. 2001.
V Rencontres de la Photographie africaine, Bamako, Mali 2001.
'Segregaciones del Caribe urbano'. Museo Jacobo Borges. Caracas. 2003.
'Caracas, la Calle, el Patio'. Guangzhou Photo Biennial. Chine. 2005.
'Caribe Urbano'. Rencontre Écriture Théâtrale Contemporaine en Caraïbe. Studio de la Comédie Française. Carroussel du Louvre. Paris. 2005.
'Nuits noires et blanches'. Fort de France, Martinique. 2007 et Museum of Afro American Diasporas. San Francisco, USA. 2007
Tarmac de la Villette. Paris. 2007
Institut Français d’Haïti. Port au Prince. 2008
Galerie Anne de Villepoix. Paris 2010
Museo de Arte Moderno de Barranquilla. Colombia. 2010
collectives EXhibitions
'Die Andere Reise'. Kunsthalle. Krems. Autriche. 1996.
'Festival des Trois Continents. Nantes. 1998.
'Haïti, Anges et Démons'. Musée de la Halle Saint-Pierre. Paris. 2000.
Chroniques Nomades. Honfleur. 2000.
Festival Terre d’Images. Biarritz. 2001.
'Ports d’Afrique'. Biennale de Bamako. Mali. 2003 et Rencontres photographiques d’Arles. 2004.
'As you like it' curated by Simon Njami. Joburg ArtFair. South Africa. 2008
'Kreyol Factory'. La Villette. Paris. 2009
'Human Conditions'. Noorderlicht festival. Holland. 2009
'Global Caribbean'. Little Haïti Cultral Center. Art Basel Miami Beach. 2010, Miami et Musée International des Arts Modestes. MIAM,Sète, France. 2010
'Utropicos: Centroamerica y Caribe'. 31th Biennal de Pontevedra. Galicia, Spain. 2010
'City States'. Caribbean Pavilion. Liverpool Biennial. 2010
'Fesman. Dakar, Sénégal. 2010
Revue Noire. Paris. Collaboration and illustrations for RN06. 1992 and RN09. 1993.
Réalisation de la partie caraïbe du catalogue de l’exposition 'Otro Pais'. Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno. Canaries. Espagne. 1995.
Les Maîtres de la Parole créole. Éd. Gallimard. 1995. En collaboration avec Raphaël Confiant et Marcel Lebielle.
Revue Atlantica. 'El Viaje de los Sentidos'. Ul. Sulikowski & M. Mitringer. Spain. feb. 1997.
'Le Galion, Canne, douleur séculaire, Ô tendresse'. Éd. Ibis Rouge. 2000. Text by Raphaël Confiant. Price of the book festival, Ouessant.
'Le Galion ' Géo. Paris. déc. 2000.
'Paris Caraïbe, le Voyage des Sens'. Éd. Atlantica. Paris. 2002.
'Vodou, un tambour pour les Anges'. Éd. Autrement. Paris. 2003.
Revue Noire publishing
