Kinshasa - D.R.Congo
Art Portfolios : Pume, Wabeladio Payi, Nicolas Mamba Timbuji, Francis Mampuya Kitah, Germain Kapend Tambuye, Freddy Bienvenue Tsimba, Raymonds Tsham Mateng, Chéri Samba, Emmanuel Botala Tala Bolofe, Moké, Cheik Leddy, Bodys Isek Kingelez, Moseka, Toma Muteba Luntumbue, Manga Mpoo, Botembe, Makika Makala Mbuta, Bela, Atoinet, Mode Miuntu, Mwenze, Lubaki, Pili Pili…
Panoramas of artists
Architecture, design
Talks - Memories
Original CD 'RN KIN'
Unpublished songs for CD recorded by Revue Noire included in the magazine
Songs by Négro Punch, Serge et Dechaux, Didier Kisala, Djonimbo, Bawa Basekwi, New Moon, C'Est Ça Mon Job, Petit Jazz, Nsumuenu, Maisha, Africa Folk, C'est Ça Musica
To be HIV positive today in Africa
Kanga Lokaka, Pap'Emma
Art, dance, literature, music, cinema
Editors Jean Loup Pivin and Françis Articlaut
100 pages 33x23cm
Published in June 1996
In French and English
buy the paper or pdf magazine
A Song in the City
Shrill voices that shoot right through your heart ; slightly oily bodies, devilishly clad in printed silk shirts and litany-marked suits saunter onto a stage that’s too small in wastelands or working class houses transformed for the night ; mostly male bodies on the dance floor waiting for the middle of the night and gallons of beer before starting to dance, alone, dancing till delirium to an endless seething hypnotic rhythm all through a night that may have no day.
Deafening music is everywhere, dance and electric guitars playing endlessly. Everyone dances, the middle class, the beggars, the madmen.(…)
It is 5.00 am. Day breaks onto an orchestra of an endless song. The dance floor is full of rhythm, riveting the bodies. Shapes sleep on chairs and benches, others are still moving. The saturated music saturated everyone’s weariness a long time ago. To never stop dancing, to never stop sleeping in the only possible home : music.
by Jean Loup Pivin
contents of RN 21 :
Original CD with songs 'a cappella' recorded for Revue Noire included in the magazine
ART / KINSHASA / Pume, Siama Kibangu, Wabeladio Payi, Nicolas Mamba Timbuji, Francis Mampuya Kitah, Germain Kapend Tambuye, Freddy Bienvenue Tsimba, Raymonds Tsham Mateng, Marie Muendo, Chéri Samba, Emmanuel Botala Tala Bolofe, Moké, Cheik Leddy, Bodys Isek Kingelez, Moseka, Mpane Enkobo, Toma Muteba Luntumbue, Manga Mpoo, Botembe, Bila Kondé, Nginamau Lukiesamio, Tamba Ndembe, Liyolo Limbé M'Puanga, Bamba Ndombasi Kufimba, Luesa Kanyunyu, Nkusu Felelo, Lufwa Mawidi, Wuma Mbambila, Sadi Matamba, Makika Makala Mbuta, Bela, Atoinet, Mode Miuntu, Mwenze, Lubaki, Pili Pili, Tseyela Ntendu, Kanga Lokake, Pap' Emma
PHOTO / KINSHASA / Jean Depara, Antoine Freitas, Georges Manteya Freitas, Oscar Memba Freitas, Studio 3 Z, Dieudonné Nzundu Kikanda / Yves Pitchen
LITERATURE / KINSHASA / Monoko K'eh'um Ize, Lye M. Yoka, Vincent Lombume Kalimasi, Olivier Sangi Lutondo
CINEMA / KINSHASA / Ndjaté Wootoo, Mweze Ngangura, Joseph Kumbela
MUSIC / CD 'REVUE NOIRE à KIN' / by Négro Punch, Serge et Dechaux, Didier Kisala, Djonimbo, Bawa Basekwi, New Moon, C'Est Ça Mon Job, Petit Jazz, Nsumuenu, Maisha, Africa Folk, C'Est Ça Musica,
DESIGN FASHION / Aubin Dinsundi
TALKS MEMORY / Célestin Badibanga Ne Mwine, John Grinling
ART NEWS / African artists and AIDS, Kacimi
TO BE HIV POSITIVE TODAY IN AFRICA / Kanga Lokaka, Pap'Emma. AIDS : Art, dance, literature, music, cinema
Few pages from Magazine RN 21 :
[run the slideshow below]